Podcasting What Geeks Really Want To Hear


  1. Hey guys, I just wanted to make a few comments about the show.

    First, I loved the in-depth discussion about networking. It’s good to hear Geek Muse getting really geeky every once-in-a-while.

    Secondly, you should consider checking out ZoneEdit.com for DNS services. It’s completely free for up to 5 domains, subdomains are unlimited as far as I can tell. It also has the ability to use clients if you’ve got Dynamic DNS. I’ve been using them for 4 or 5 years and have been very happy.

    Lastly, if you haven’t checked out the latest episode of Hak.5 you definitely should. A few of their community members created a USB Switchblade that is basically an auto-run file and some scripts that can be used to do some very nefarious things.

    Comment by Ben — September 14, 2006 @ 11:08

  2. Hi Guys,
    Great show – although much of it is above my level
    I still get to pick up some extra knowledge thru your show.

    Today I tried to get episode 42, by the direct download on the right but it presents episode 41!


    Comment by novice user — September 19, 2006 @ 01:59

  3. Thanks for the heads-up, ‘novice’. The links are fixed. Yeah, I manually set that up and forgot to change the URLs to the files. Oops. ;-)

    Comment by Nem W Schlecht — September 19, 2006 @ 13:28

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