Podcasting What Geeks Really Want To Hear


  1. Apropos of absolutely nothing, it drives me insane when Podcasters don’t id3 tag their mp3 files. Then I copy them onto my iPod and they have no title or author.

    Until Episode 46, Nem had a perfect record; every show was tagged.

    It starts with little things like that. First you forget to tag your mp3’s, next thing you know you’re calling tech support to ask which is the any key.

    Comment by Kevin Pisarsky — November 19, 2006 @ 00:29

  2. Errg.

    Okay, so here’s the deal. A couple weeks ago iTunes 7 is released with the way cool ?Coverflow? album browser. Podcasts aren’t in there, unless you create a playlist that has podcasts in it. Now, at some point you *could* create an enhanced podcast (like I do) and assign it cover art as well, but it didn’t make much sense, since iTunes used the first image in an enhanced podcast for that anyways. Except, they don’t – not for Coverflow.

    So, I have a wacky Applescript that automates the conversion from WAV to M4A with iTunes, then calls a Perl script to do the conversion from WAV to MP3 and then *add the tags*. I modified this script to add cover art to M4A, which works, but its removed when I add the chapters, so that was pointless. However, it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. When I was creating this episode, it wasn’t working. So, I had to do it by hand, and I totally forgot to run the ‘tagfix’ program on the resulting MP3 from lame.

    It’s fixed now. ;-)

    Comment by Nem — November 19, 2006 @ 11:49

  3. ‘…if he gets up, we’ll all get up! It’ll be anarchy!’

    Comment by trav — November 19, 2006 @ 15:37

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