Podcasting What Geeks Really Want To Hear

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

So, after months of speculation, and many rumors sites pointing at the iPhone and Apple TV (formerly known as iTV) where you left out with a feeling of “…am I missing something?”

I am.

But I do realize the hours and hours that a product like iPhone could take to develop, after all it has like… many patents.

It is innovative. It is reinventing an industry.

Was it all we were expecting? certainly not after all the complaints and rants, and blogs and blogs about where was the Mac Pro, and the laptops, and Mac OS 10.5, and Vista, and the ZunePhone… oh wait, I am going over board.

Anyway, I am sure there is plenty to come this year.

And if you really think of all those patents on the iPhone, I just think that there is a future really amazing on Apple Inc.’s path. After they have developed the technology: Imagine new affordable keyboards that can be multi-touch and application sensitive just like the iPhone.

What about having a laptop that is all just a dynamic screen, talking about the ultimate tablet.

In any case, somebody knows of any good transparent polymer research firm? I need to invest on some clear coated screens :-)

posted by Ludvik at 22:49 in General    

1 Comment »

  1. I know exactly what you mean with the “am I missing something” comment. That’s exactly how I felt after refreshing ars and macnn all mid-day to keep abreast of what was happening. The iPhone looks cool, but it doesn’t really impact my life right now. I’m happy with my carrier (and I _need_ to be happy for the next 9 months) and even if I wasn’t, I don’t think that I’d switch to Cingular. My thought is that making it Cingular exclusive (“multi-year” exclusivity at that) will either be fantastic for Cingular or hurt Apple. I don’t see where having it carrier-specific is helpful to Apple other than the visual voice mail, which is the only feature that jumped out at me as needing help on the carrier side.

    I was really hoping for more information about Leopard. Like, oh I don’t know, when we can expect to be able to have it.

    I’ve been holding off my purchase of a laptop until I’d be able to get one with Leopard already installed. Well, that and the fact that I need to save more money to _afford_ one. Oh well.

    Comment by jkamp — January 10, 2007 @ 20:30

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