Podcasting What Geeks Really Want To Hear


  1. I used to work with a girl who had worked at a relay service for the hearing impared. She said that she would type out stuff that she’d hear other than the conversation. For instance: “Woman’s voice heard in the background.” She said that it caused some interesting calls.

    Comment by jkamp — July 6, 2007 @ 09:11

  2. Ha! Reminds me of this YouTube video (although it looks set up, it’s still funny).

    Comment by Nem W Schlecht — July 6, 2007 @ 10:02

  3. Hey, what’s with the 2+ month gap in shows?! :) There must be lots to talk about with the latest Stevenote, Vista SP1 on the horizon and WHS to name but a few.

    Comment by Tim — September 6, 2007 @ 13:03

  4. Yes, Tim, you are correct – big gap. I quit my old job (and started a new one this week), plus, all my free time has been spent working on my thesis.

    It sucks – I hate it – I want to get back to Geek Muse, but I just can’t right now.

    We are NOT dead and we ARE coming back – we’re just taking an extended break.

    Comment by Nem W Schlecht — September 8, 2007 @ 20:11

  5. Good luck with the new job and thesis, and I look forward to your triumphant return!

    Comment by Tim — September 9, 2007 @ 09:54

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