Podcasting What Geeks Really Want To Hear

Saturday, November 17, 2007

First off – I’m back deep into working on my thesis. Hopefully, we’ll have another episode out soon.

In the meantime, I just came across this on Slashdot:

Slashdot | Shake a Secure Bluetooth Connection:

I like the concept. Bluetooth needs something extra for security, although I’m not sure if I’m 100% behind shaking my devices to get them to pair, it is a novel concept.

Next question, though… are more devices going to come with screen shields to help against all the rubbing they’ll undergo from being shaken with other devices to get them to pair?

posted by Nem W Schlecht at 13:41 in General,News    

1 Comment »

  1. Point the First: I LOVE slashdot, I spend the majority of my time in college on it :P
    Point the Second: When I first read this story I assumed it was some eccentric japanese developers (wrongly as it turned out). I think it wont catch on, it would be rather hard to get into sync with most people.
    Point the Third: I feel lonely with my dose of geek lol

    Comment by Pazy — November 17, 2007 @ 19:43

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