Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Episode 50 URLs & Notes (MP3) (AAC)
- The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
- Widescreen vs Standard displays
- Uproar over latest MOAB vulnerability
- Colloquy
- Irc versus I. R. C.
- The note at the bottom of this page seems to imply “irk” instead of “eye are see”
- Response to listener Brian G.’s comments on Apple TV
- Apple to charge for 802.11n upgrade
- FUSEWiki – FileSystems
- Remote files: sshfs, ftpfs, gmailfs, davfs
- Encryption: EncFS, PhoneBook, CryptoFS
- Databases: RelFS, DBToy, Fuse::DBI, fuse-dbfs, mysqlfs
- Versioning: CvsFS, Wayback, CopyFS, hierfs
- Torrent: BitTorrent File System (Slave Repeater)
- Compression: fusecram, compFUSEd, FuseCompress, LZOlayer fs, Apretujado, Cromfs
- ISO images: Cddfs, fuseiso, Mountlo, DVDfs
- Logging: LoggedFS
- Union: FunionFS, unionfs-fuse
- NTFS: ntfsmount, Captive NTFS, ntfs-3g
- Music: FUSEPod, TagsFs, Yacufs, playlistfs, mp3fs, fusedaap
- Searching: beaglefs, SpotlightFS
- Other: ferrisfuse, ZFS, rofs, BloggerFS
- Some ideas: RSS-fs, LDAP-fs, CSV-fs & Excel-fs, mbox-fs (pop-fs, imap-fs)
- MSFT pays people to edit Wikipedia
- The 5 sins of Vista